Giulia Beneduci
T. +39 02 72554.1
Via San Paolo, 7
20121 – MILAN

Giulia Beneduci, senior associate, joined De Berti Jacchia in 2015. Previously, after graduating at Bocconi University, she worked in particular at the IP department of Carnelutti law firm in Milan.
Within a general practice in civil and commercial law, both contentious/pre-contentious and extra-judicial, Giulia’s activity mainly focuses on Industrial and Intellectual Property, encompassing all the fields of IP protection – such as trademarks, patents (also pharmaceutical), designs, copyright, domain names and trade secrets – as well as on unfair competition.
In multiple cases Giulia dealt with contractual matters, also with transnational profiles, including licences and transfers of intangibles, non-disclosure agreements and research contracts between multinational companies and universities. She rendered consultancy on various IP issues, also for clients operating in the luxury field, and performed intense due diligence activity for corporate transactions.
She achieved a University Master’s Degree in Fashion and Luxury Law (MiFeLL) at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, organized by the Federico Stella Graduate School of Criminal Justice in collaboration with the National Chamber for Italian Fashion, as well as a professional master on Intellectual Property and Innovation at the 24ORE Business School.
She is an AIJA member (International Association of Young Lawyers), within the Intellectual Property & TMT and Healthcare & Life Sciences Commissions.
Giulia has been repeatedly mentioned by Legal500 as Rising Star in the Intellectual Property practice. She has been a speaker in several seminars on IP matters and author of multiple articles published online, on topics revolving around the legal protection of creativity, distinctiveness and innovation.
Areas of expertise
Intellectual Property
Fashion, Sport and Luxury
Consumer Goods
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Admitted to the Italian Bar

Milan, Degree in Law, Bocconi University
Milan, Master’s Degree in Fashion and Luxury Law, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Italian, English
