Federico Muzzati
T. +39 06 809154.1
Via Vincenzo Bellini, 24
00198 - ROME
Federico Muzzati joined De Berti Jacchia in 2024.
He deals with all the leading areas of Administrative, European, Constitutional, Public Economy, Regulatory, Antitrustand Civil Law, and he has previously worked with Orsingher Ortu - Avvocati Associati in Rome and Milan, with a renowned Roman boutique operating exclusively in the field of Administrative and Regulatory Law, and, during the period of his legal practice, with the leading multi-practice law firm Bova & Partners in Ferrara.
He provides consultancy, representation and assistance in court (Administrative and Ordinary Courts) and out of court (opinions, regulatory and case law analysis and due diligence activities with reference to regulatory and administrative aspects) to domestic and international (corporate) clients in the above-mentioned branches of law.
In particular, he focuses on the following topics and industries: Public Contracts, (Concessions, Public Contracts and PPPs, with particular focus on structuring Project Financing transactions, in all their phases), Golden Power and FDIscreening (pre-notification/notification activities) in M&A transactions, Telco, TMT, Energy, Construction, Betting, Life Sciences and Healthcare, Urban Planning, Environment, Pharma, Tobacco, Relations with Independent Administrative Authorities, Public Competitions, Antitrust, Public Utilities, Public Facilitation, Local Public Transport and Regulated Markets, as well as dealing with the related and physiologically arising issues of Civil, Tax and Accounting Law.
Similarly, given his considerable interest and passion for research, study and teaching, he also works in the academic field, serving as Teaching Assistant to the Markets, Regulations and Law course at Luiss Guido Carli, and as Subject Matter Expert and Collaborator to the Course (Member of the Examination Board) of Socio-Economic History of Innovation at Luiss Guido Carli.
Federico is a member of AIGA Roma, the Roman Administrative Chamber, the Civil Chamber of Rome, the European Young Bar Association, the Ente Nazionale per l'Intelligenza Artificiale (ENIA) and many other domestic and international associations.
He is also a member of the Commissions of Administrative Law, Sports Law, and Relations and Litigation with Local Authorities and the P.A. of the Rome Bar Association and the author and member of the editorial board of ItaliAppalti, an online scientific portal chaired by the President of the Council of State, Dr. Caringella, for which he drafts monthly commentary notes on the main and most recent pronouncements of the Regional Administrative Courts and the Council of State on public contracts and related issues.
He has published, on a regular basis, and since his university days, a copious amount of analyses (over sixty), reflections, normative and jurisprudential tidbits, notes to judgments and doctrinal articles in leading scientific journals, portals and reference research institutes (e.g. Urban Planning and Procurement and NT+ Diritto, Il Sole 24 Ore, IRPA, Appalti e Contratti, Osservatorio FinPa and Amministrazione in Cammino), also Class A, on Administrative Law, Public Contracts, Constitutional Law, Regulation and Public Economic Law, European Law, Tax Law, Antitrust, Digital Innovation, Energy and Environmental Sustainability.
Annullato il Piano per la Transizione Energetica Sostenibile delle Aree Idonee
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MT+ Diritto - Il Sole 24 Ore
March 18th, 2024

Un breve sguardo al ruolo delle Commissioni giudicatrici nel rinnovato sistema codicistico
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Urbanistica e appalti
March, 2024

Organismo di diritto pubblico, come si ripartisce la giurisdizione tra Giudice Amministrativo e Ordinario
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MT+ Diritto - Il Sole 24 Ore
January 12th, 2024

Convenzioni concessorie e autonomia negoziale
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Urbanistica e appalti
May, 2023

La tutela paesaggistica si “inchina” alla produzione di energia rinnovabile
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MT+ Diritto - Il Sole 24 Ore
December 1st, 2023

Areas of expertise
Administrative, Public Procurement
EU and Competition
Energy and Environment
Constitutional and International Law
Electronic Communications, Audiovisual and Digital Services
Betting and Gaming
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
Media and Entertainment
Railways, Aviation and Logistics

Admitted to the Italian Bar

Master’s Degree in Law from University of Ferrara
Executive Course in Energy Law and Environmental Sustainability - Luiss Guido Carli University (mark: Excellent)
Master’s in Public Procurement - Sole 24 Ore Business School
Course on Infrastructure and Geopolitics - ISPI

Italian, English, French, Spanish
